How Can.i Configure Outlook Yo Download Gmail That Has Been Read on Phone

The pst file is a place to save emails to and not a live mailbox.

Is the place where the pst is stored full? View your c:\ bulldoze in my computer.

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The number of emails in a .PST file is not really relevant to how full it is.  Outlook currently supports .PST files up to 50Gb (20 Gb for Outlook 2003 & 2007), so it'south the size that matters.  Since we're discussing .PST files, I assume you have a POP account.  What will download to a new .PST file depends on how you accept the POP account setup.  When Pop was invented, the idea was that the customer software would download the email information technology found on the server, and then delete it from the server.  If Outlook is set this way, a new .PST file would get only new email.  Since the appearance of multiple email capable devices (tablets, smartphones, etc) most POP clients at present have the ability to leave e-mail on the server for a menstruum of time after download (and so you tin get information technology on your phone, for case, in add-on to your desktop).  If you accept Outlook set this way, a new .PST file volition download whatever is left on the server from past downloads, plus any new electronic mail.  You can determine this by opening Outlook, going to "File > Account Settings > Account Settings", select your electric current account, click "Change", click the "More Settings" button, and the "Avant-garde" tab.  Here yous volition run across if Outlook has been fix to exit email on the server afterward download and for how long.

Hal Hostetler, CPBE
Broadcast Engineer/Information technology Pro
MVP-Outlook - WA7BGX

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I wanted to start a new file as the old ane has way too many emails. Ridiculous amount. So much spam etc and way too many to start culling.

I have left the emails on the server for years and and then when I go a new device, all the old crap comes streaming in.

Telstra have told me that we tin only delete emails in batches of 50 so I will be at that place for decades!! I just joined their Platinum tech back up and I have moved the near recent emails that I would like to continue into a folder asked Platinum  to delete all the emails in the inbox. I am on live chat with them now.

Cheers for your help!

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So why an earth did you not use the junk mail options, or fifty-fifty create rules to delete junk?

If you use a popular mail account, with the option set to keep a copy on the server, then if y'all copy that account on MS Outlook and so all sometime mail will be downloaded

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Was referring to storage quota on the hard bulldoze the pst sits on, no biggie.

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Yes that would have been the smart pick.. Yet, now they're all deleted and I am starting fresh!

I take used IMAP - and my next question is ...

I have just bought Part 365 and I can log in from anywhere to meet my excel physician'due south etc. Volition my outlook also be bachelor this style - are they stored in the cloud so I tin can meet the folders I have created etc or practise I demand to fix each device? Sorry.. not Tech Savvy at all and appreciate any help. Thank you once again

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Cheers, I appreciate your help and your patience!

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Not certain what you lot're asking but Onedrive is the place to put files, access it online via from the squares in the peak left after login or install Onedrive on your figurer. (may already have it, as cortana)

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